SME IdeaBot Robotics Workshop

75.000 KD


3 Days Robotics Workshop for the SME Society based on our IdeaBot made in Kuwait robot kit.

Beginners level workshop that aims to introduce attendees to robotics through IdeaBot platform, attendees will learn the basic of movement functions, sensors and some basic robotics algorithms.

Note: this course requires the understanding or general knowledge about program, no technical skills needed.

Time& Dates

Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday ( 12-13-14/ March ) from 4 to 6.30 pm


National Fund ICT incubator, Faiha Area, Block 4.

google maps location,47.9777489,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3fcf9b3a357bed25:0x5aa96a6ecc90f08!8m2!3d29.3388671!4d47.9749708


please bring your laptop with you, we recommend that you already install the arduino software.

Link to download Arduino Software:

Day 1

Part 1:

Introduction to IdeaBot kit.

Assembling the full robot.

Part 2:

Servo calibration

Basic robot movements.

Introducing functions.

Day 2

Part 1:

Introduction to sensors.

operating the IR & Sonar sensors.


Obstacle Avoidance Navigation.

Line Following Algorithm.

Maze Solving brainstorming.

Day 3

Auto movement calibration.

Search and grip algorithm.

Contact Us

for any questions please contact us on 99281008