PAAET - Practical Electronics Training KIT
The kit includes the following:
2) Potentiometer Trimmer 100K ohm 0.5W
3) 500k ohm 1/4W Linear Potentiometer
4) 2x BC547 NPN Transistor
9) 1N4001 Diode
10) Following capacitors:
2x 100uF
1x 22uF
3x 10uF
1x 1uF
1x 0.33uF
1x 0.1uF
1x 22nF
1x 10nF
1x 1nF
11) 555 Timer Chip
12) 2x Push Button Mini Switch
13) 1N4148 Diode
15) 1x Voltage Regulator LM7805
16) 1 of each of the following gates: