Arduino StartUp Shield by IdeaLink
Arduino StartUp Shield by IdeaLink
16 in stock
Learn Arduino with Idealink StartUP! shield. StartUP! shield provides the fastest, most convenient way to connect your sensors and servos to your favorite Arduino board. The shield is made to be the most flexible shield to help you learn Arduino.
General Specifications
The shield provides:
A dedicated header for our Elegoo HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor .
Rx and Tx Headers for serial communication
6 Digital and 6 Analog headers
4 Servo headers powered through 2 regulators for use with general purpose servos.
The shield takes power from the Arduino. It can also be powered from the 2.54mm terminal. It is recommended to not go above 9V Vin as it might overheat the regulator on the Arduino or the shield.
Note: the servo pins are only powered from the jack power of the arduino or Vin power.
Every two servo pins can withstand 1.5A of maximum current due to the regulators used.
Tip! : You can combo 6-AA Battery Holder, Back-to-Back with 9V to Barrel Jack Adapter to easily power up the an Arduino that has a barrel power input (Like UNO, Mega and Leonardo for example).
Also we suggest that you use these 3 pins jumper wires.
This picture explains the main connections of the shield
StartUp Shield will eliminate breadboard mess